Race Course
Date: Sunday, May 4, 2025
Time: 7:00 AM Half Marathon | 7:20 AM 8K
Where: West Potomac Park (MAP)
The course time limit is 4 hours.The Half Marathon and 8K courses will run through the majestic beauty that is Washington, DC. Runners will pass national monuments like the Jefferson Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, The WWII Memorial and the Korean War Memorial on their way through 13.1 miles of unforgettable scenery in our nation’s capital! The course is flat in some areas but there are rolling hills throughout.
Starting Procedure
The National Women’s Half Marathon & 8K Road Race will use a wave start system in West Potomac Park on Ohio Drive. The Half Marathon will consist of 5 separate wave starts while the 8K Road Race will have 3 separate wave start times. Runners will self-seed themselves into groups along Ohio Drive and West Potomac Park according to your estimated Half Marathon & 8K finish times. Each group will be staged in holding corrals prior to the start of their group. All runners competing in the Half Marathon must be past the start timing mat by no later than 7:15am (estimated) in order to allow the 8K runners to move up to start at 7:20am (tentative start). Please follow the instructions of the starting line volunteers and look for the large pace signs and our “Official Pacer” Pace Team Members in each Corral!
Reminder to Runners: The bib tag timing system will not record a starting time for a runner until that runner has crossed the timing mats at the start line. Time spent waiting to cross the start line is NOT included in the scored finish time for a runner.
Runners with Strollers: For your safety and the safety of your fellow runners, please self-seed in the last group (corral). The Half Marathon will consist of 5 separate wave starts while the 8K Road Race will have 3 separate wave start times.
Course Information
Race Management will have water stations at every 2 miles along the Half Marathon & 8K Courses complete with Water, Gatorade, Ice and portable restrooms. Washington DC EMS will also be located at three locations on the 13.1 mile route and at the finish line!